Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring break

While Terry made a quick trip to North Dakota to visit family and friends, I had a staycation with Jane. We spent Monday and Tuesday cleaning closets, removing a total of 32 garbage bags of clothes for Goodwill.
We set aside Wednesday morning to have fun. Pat told us about enormous croissants at the Village Bakery in Fox Lake. Neither Jane nor I was familiar with the area. We found the bakery with a little help from Jane’s GPS. The croissants were, as Pat reported, as big as the plate. While they weren’t the flakiest croissants I had ever had, they made up for it with a huge log of marzipan-like filling in the middle. Given that it was after 10:00 when we got to the bakery for breakfast, the croissant was enough to do me for all day.
Giant croissant on dinner-sized plate

As long as we were in the area, we drove north on Highway 59 to Grass Lake Rd. Grass Lake Rd. went between Grass Lake and Fox Lake. On one of the bridges we saw three loons on Fox Lake and a small flock of buffleheads on Grass Lake. On the other side of the lake, we went north to Chain-O-Lakes State Park. Shortly after entering the park, we came upon a pair of sandhill cranes in a wetland. I took a picture with my little camera. We hadn’t set out to bird watch and thus did not bring the good camera with telephoto lens or even a pair of binoculars.
A pair of sandhill cranes

Down by the lake, we saw a large bird in a tree. We couldn’t tell what it was without any means of magnifying the image. We decided to call it an immature bald eagle.
It was a beautiful day for a drive, even if it was cold. Despite the persistent night freezes, we have lost most of the snow. Sad, ugly piles of grey slush, riddled with pits where sun-warmed stones have melted down, line the roads. I can’t wait for it to all be gone. I wonder if the grass with ever get green again. 

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