Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Vacation, Day 4: Hanging out

 We spent the morning hanging around the cabin. Breakfast was late because we were busy taking pictures of loons from 7:45 to 8:30. Lots of pictures of loons.

Loon parent

Wait for me!



When it was time to start cooking, I washed my new angel food cake pan and tried it out as a corn cutter. I got the idea from a video on the internet.

The pan, the corn

I put the ear in the hole in the middle,

Starting position

Pushed down,

Pushed down

And pulled up the ear with only the middle kernels cut off and caught in the cake pan. Hmm. Our ears must be smaller than the ones in the video. You just can’t believe everything you see on YouTube.

Perhaps the middle third was stripped of kernels. Oh well.

I cut off the rest of the kernels with a knife and proceeded to make corn and potatoes. Jane played with my camera, capturing this shot of me in the tiny kitchen. The only things not in this picture are the dwarf refrigerator and a table just large enough to hold a microwave on a shelf underneath.

Prepping in the tiny kitchen

Here is our breakfast cooking. Fried corn and potatoes is on the left, the stuff for eggs ‘n’ stuff is sauteing on the right.

Fried corn and potatoes, left; green pepper, onion, cherry tomatoes, grilled zucchini, right.

Here’s the final product.

Eggs 'n' stuff, corn and potatoes, bacon

We foraged among the leftovers for lunch. Jane wanted to take a drive around Hungry Jack Lake. We didn’t see any wildlife. The road on the south side of the lake looked like it went around the end of the lake to the north road, but it did not. Still, we’d never been down that road, and it was interesting to see what the other side of the houses we could see across the bay looked like.

At happy hour, we discovered that we had gotten corn “street” tortillas instead of flour. That was a disappointment, but I buttered both sides and fried them up in the skillet. What’s not to like? We had margarita, tortillas and salsa before dinner

Happy hour

And beef fajitas with green pepper and onions for dinner. And more margaritas.

Beef fajita for supper

It was a lazy summer day, just what vacation should be.


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