Monday, June 8, 2020

High tunnel, part 5

The high tunnel frame is complete. We are now waiting for a calm day to cut plastic for the end panels. The ground beneath the high tunnel slopes from west to east. Thus, we needed to fill in the west side so the door would be straight. Terry made these awesome raised beds, which will keep the fill in place. He will fill some in the center with soil soon so we can plant our herbs.

Raised beds in the high tunnel

Terry also made a narrow entryway on the east side so we can get in and out of the high tunnel without raising the main 10.5’ door. I just hope I don’t gain much weight.

It’s been at least 3 years since I planted a native pollinator garden by the garden shed. I only got one wild blue indigo (Baptisia australis) among the plants. As of last year, I feared that it was getting crowded out by the more aggressive plants around it. This year, however, it has come back like gangbusters with lots of foliage and, even better, its first floral spike.

Wild blue indigo is in a different genus than true indigo (Indigofera tinctorial). Both are in the legume family. Wild blue indigo does not produce the rich blue dye associated with true indigo, although it has been used as a (poor) substitute.

My woodland garden is looking better. The large plants in this picture are joe pyeweed. I have already opened the top of the netting so Joe can get out. I should probably get down there and take down the netting before it gets entangled in new plant growth.

We finally got the last of the south garden planted this week. This garden is always a gamble in these days of having a 100-year flood every 4 years. But we ran out of room in the north garden. We haven’t planted pole beans in a while, and their trellises take a fair amount of space, as can be seen in the photo. We also have two rows of shallots and a row of zinnias. At the end of the bean rows, I stuck in some cabbages and Brussels sprouts that were left over from the north garden. Zucchini seeds are in the row at the left.

My johnny jump-ups are blooming their little hearts out. They are such cheerful little guys. They make me happy.

No fireflies yet.

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