Monday, July 7, 2014

And the livin' is easy

This is a nice time of summer. There’s just enough produce from the garden that we can go from farm to table every day. Tonight we had steamed fresh peas, so very tender and sweet just two hours off the vine, and baby zucchini, young garlic, and spring onions, tossed in olive oil and roasted in the oven. Before long, I’ll be so overwhelmed with freezing and canning that we’ll be eating Spam with macaroni and cheese from a box.

Another fun part of this time of year is watching the fledgling birds. All species seem to have the same behavior of cheeping and flapping furiously to get attention from a parent. I was in the garden last week when I saw three bird sitting on a tomato cage. I couldn’t recognize their shape or color. They seemed to have little tufts of down here and there. A swallow flew overhead, and the three birds launched into action, quivering their wings and chirping. Without the characteristic V-shaped tail, I had no idea they were swallows. I’ve seen Baltimore orioles feeding their chicks grape jelly at our feeder. At times like these, I wonder if these miracles are new to my environment or if I just wasn’t paying attention when I was younger.

The chickens got their first watermelon rinds this weekend. It takes them awhile with every new food to get the hang of it. In the second part of the video, one chicken doesn’t seem to know whether to eat the watermelon or walk on it.
And here’s some updated photos.

Nadia, left, Gracie, right

Clockwise from noon, Gracie, Lizette, Lidia, Nadia, unnamed Buff Orpington

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