Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cold but sunny

Much of the snow melted during a couple of warm days last week. A cold front moved in; it was four degrees below zero at 6:00 this morning. When I went out to do the chores, there was a hen in every nest box. Sarah was the only one there to lay an egg. The others, I assume, were in the boxes because it is the wall next to the heater.
Clarissa (left) and Sarah in the next boxes. Bridget is in the box at the far right (corner shown), but there wasn't enough space in the coop for me to get back far enough to include her.

The prayer flags survived a Big Wind on Monday and Tuesday. They raveled considerably, but that is how they always look when I see them on the Travel Channel. Maybe the raveling helps release the prayers. Each flag has printing on it. I wish I knew what they say.
Close up of the prayer flags showing the inscriptions
Tattered prayer flags blessing the chickens

It isn’t very windy today. Hilda opened up the coop at 11:00, and the girls came right out to enjoy the sunshine. I’ve probably said this before but IBR (it bears repeating). The chickens don’t seem to mind the cold, but they can’t stand being out in a heavy wind. Everyone seems to be healthy and eating well. All evidence indicates that whatever done Ellie in, it didn’t spread to the others. It’s a relief. When I was cleaning the coop this morning, Giada pecked at my hand just like Ellie used to. Perhaps she will step up to take Ellie’s place in our affections.
Enjoying the sunny but cold afternoon


  1. My face hurts just seeing those flags flapping in the wind. They look awesome though. As do the pretty chickens!

    1. If it weren't for you, there would be no prayer flags! I think of you every time I'm in the chicken yard.
