Now that I’m done with my vacation pictures, it’s time to get back to pictures from home. We are still having some frosty mornings. The cardinals and finches spend their days flying from the apple trees to the bird feeders and back.
Cardinals and house finches in an apple tree |
On February 21, Terry called to tell me the turkeys were back! He had been anxiously awaiting their arrivals. We usually see a bunch of toms first. I got one picture with all 8, which was hard and not a great picture because they refused to stand in a group. Note that there are two turkeys on the far left, as evidenced by two heads.
8 tom turkeys |
Since that first sighting, we have only seen 7 toms in the group. They are regular visitors to the feeder, scooping up fallen sunflower seeds in their big beaks. Their feathers are gorgeous in the sunlight with the iridescent bronze, greens, and golds.
Eating sunflower seeds with plumage shining in the sun |
I saw my very first red poll for one day on March 3, then he was gone.
Transient red poll, front, with a house finch |
On March 5, a thousand red-winged blackbirds descended on our property, raising a ruckus. They moved on the next day, and we are still waiting for the group that will take up residence.
Part of a huge flock of red-winged blackbirds passing through |
I saw a deer early one morning. It seemed to be limping. When I looked closely at this picture, I saw that it had scrapes all along its back. Coyote attack?
Deer at sunrise |
If the light is just right, and I squint a little, I can imagine that the goldfinches are starting to turn gold.
A goldfinch looking a little golder around the face and shoulders |
And if that is not enough of a sign of spring, the robins came back on March 8.
Robins! A sure sign of spring |
They were just in time for another round of cold weather and flurries. Also caught off guard was this one bluebird. I couldn’t decide which picture was cuter, so I’m including both. It was sheltering by the deck and about as fluffed up as it could get. So cute!
Bluebird in the snow |
Another picture of the same bluebird. Which is cuter? |
Soon I need to start cleaning out the high tunnel and
preparing for the first planting. Winter seems to last forever, yet spring
always takes one by surprise. It’s nice to be getting some of our bird friends
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