Friday, June 28, 2019

The Big World

There was enough rain this week to soften the ground, which was a necessary prerequisite for putting in the posts for the chick fence. Not a moment too soon, either, as we are having a hot spell, and the chicks are too warm in the coop.
Hilda and I got started on the fence early yesterday. Even so, we were soaked with sweat and exhausted by the time it was up. It always looks so nice at first. Over time, it will start to sag.
Chick run ready for action
We put up the shade shelters and dragged the kennel from under the deck. Hilda filled a second feeder and waterer to put outside under the shade shelters. We opened the door. Two chicks looked out in bewilderment.
What is this Big World out here?
Hilda went into the coop and herded the chicks toward the door. The first one out wanted to go back in immediately.
Hmm--I don't know about this.
Once they were all out, they hung around in a tight group behind the windbreak.
Safety in numbers
They soon started pecking at everything from the wind break to the grass and weeds to the ants and other insects.

The sun seemed too bright for them. A few brave individuals left the shade, but most did not. One of them was overcome by fatigue and flopped down on the grass.
Too tired to stand any longer
Hilda and I retired to the deck for glasses of iced tea. I went downstairs, sat in my chair, and promptly fell asleep, waking up shortly before lunch.
After awhile, Hilda moved the water and feed closer to the door. This morning, I put the food and water farther from the door but still in sight from behind the windbreak. It was cloudy, and the chicks found their way to the refreshments. I was just about ready to go to the garden to weed and thin the beans in the cool of the day when a thunderstorm rolled in. I retrieved the feeder from the chick run in the nick of time. Now the garden is too wet to weed, which is why I’m sitting at my computer updating the blog. Well, Scarlett, tomorrow is another day.

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