Sunday, June 26, 2016

First week of summer

It happened again this morning. The radar showed a lovely dark green and yellow blob headed right for us. The forecast was for a steady rain through 11:00. But about 9:15, it all just disappeared. Again. At least this time we got half an inch. The last several fronts have broken up without a drop. We are grateful for what we got yet frustrated by what could have been and wasn’t. Terry says it is because of cold air masses from Lake Michigan. I think the sky just hates us.
The garden is doing well. Hilda and I took the row cover off the peas, beans, and Coles on Saturday. The peas and kale look spectacular. I struggle with how to use kale. I put kale chiffonade in a pasta dish last night, and we liked it. I’ll try that strategy again—slice thinly and put it in other things. It’s a super food, after all.
The peas--no blossoms yet, but the foliage looks great.

The beans look good also, although they are full of weeds. I know I am being unreasonable, but I always think, “Damn it! I weeded them once already!”
Beans--and weeds

I do hope we have weeded the asparagus for the last time. We’ve finished harvesting and let the stalks grow so they can store up energy in the roots for next year. Hilda and I sweated for 4 person-hours in the hot sun pulling out the sedge and thistles one last time and then mulched them heavily. When we were done, I was filled with a sense of pride for a job well done.
Asparagus, weeded and mulched

Terry is trying a new variety of blackberry this year. It’s called Chester, and it is blooming already, giving us hope that its fruit might be ripe before the frost. The most interesting thing about it is that the flowers are a pale purple.
Chester blackberries

The grapes are doing well. If we can keep the birds away from them, we should have plenty of grape juice for next year.
Baby grapes

And while we’re on the subject, I went out Friday morning to pick cherries again. There were three robin fledglings inside the bird netting and NO cherries. We need to figure out a different system.
I took a walk around the property to check on the wild black raspberries (not ready yet) and noticed that the restoration area now has spiderwort growing in it. I didn’t see that last year.

The robins under the deck are growing up. Here is a picture I took with the mirror from a week ago Saturday (June 20).
Baby robins a week ago

And here is a picture from yesterday. I have only seen two little heads stick up so far. Not sure if that third egg hatched yet.

Summer is going by fast. Up until last week, I was going to bed at my usual time (8:00) and reading, even though it was still light out. I realized that this was stupid. I was missing out on one of the parts of summer that I most love.  I started sitting out on the patio to watch the sun set and the sky grow dark. The hummingbirds like to come to the feeder at dusk. I wait until the fireflies come out. That’s what summer is about. Fireflies and hummingbirds—just seeing them makes you happy.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

I got up early this morning to make caramel rolls for Father's Day. Hilda took pictures with the caramel rolls closer to us, but I didn't notice they were out of focus until I put them on the big screen. Oh well. Dad is the most important thing, anyway.
Dad and me with caramel rolls in the corner of the picture
Hilda and I spent the rest of the morning picking cherries. Terry and I tried to put a net over the tree a few weeks ago. We were only partially successful at deterring the birds. It wasn't perfect to begin with, and a storm Tuesday night didn't help (although it did bring us 1.6" of much needed rain). Hilda picked all the cherries she could reach from the ground and starting pitting those while I finished up with the ladder. We got a little over a quart--just enough for a cherry pie on July 4.
Terry and I got the sign installed inside the posts last week.
Terry's sign
The asparagus harvest is over. We have let the asparagus grow so it can store energy in its roots for next year. When I was out cutting thistles (I have far too many thistles in my life!) behind the asparagus patch, I noticed that the stalks were a-buzz with bees and bumblebees. Most remarkably, said insects had their leg baskets packed with bright orange pollen to the point where I wondered how they could fly. It was amazing to me that these seemingly insignificant flowers would be such a significant source of nutrition for the bees.
Bee with full saddlebags on asparagus flowers

Friday, June 17, 2016

Old World Wisconsin

Last Tuesday, Mom, Dad, and I took our first trip to Old World Wisconsin. It was my second birthday adventure. Terry had to stay home and water his trees before they died.
We started with lunch at the Clausing Barn Café. I highly recommend the fried cheese curds. They were squeaky fresh!
Lunch outside the Clausing Barn Cafe

The tram system worked efficiently. Each tram had a storage area for walkers and strollers. They ran every 10-15 minutes, so we never had to wait very long.
Tram with walker/stroller storage at the front of the car

We took the tram back to the German area. The tram driver explained that these oxen have recently figured out that they can lift the rails on the split rail fences with their horns and walk to freedom. The staff is trying to figure out how to secure them better.
Oxen by the split rail fences that they have outsmarted

We got off the tram at the Schulz Family 1860 German Immigrant Farm. Here is a picture of Mom and Dad walking into the garden. Many of the gardens were done in raised beds. I never thought to ask if that was authentic to the period. I found it hard to imagine that people working so hard to scrape together a living would bother to lay out lovely symmetrical raised beds. If it were me, I wouldn’t bother with flowers either, but I can imagine that they would remind one of the old country and make one feel that all vestiges of civilization were not lost.
Schulz Family Farm house and garden

We arrived in the middle of a weaving demonstration. The docent was explaining how the warp threads were put on a huge loom. Usually there were 12 threads to the inch. She did a sample calculation of 10 threads to the inch and ended up with hundreds of feet of thread that would be needed for a piece of fabric wide and long enough for a pair of pants. The thread would be measured on a frame that had two rows of pegs on posts that were two yards apart. It took two days to put the warp threads on the loom, threading the odd threads (1, 3, 5…) through one set of strings to lift the threads and the even threads through a second set of strings. The docent demonstrated how the foot pedals switched the threads as she passed the “boat” that held the weft between the alternating warp threads. Mrs. Schutz wove all the cloth for all her family’s clothes, flax for summer, wool for winter. How could she have gotten anything else done?
Loom--pegs that can be removed for disassembly on upper right

The docent pointed to pegs at the top of the loom, explaining that the loom could be taken apart during the summer, when Mrs. Schulz would be too busy with the harvest to do any weaving.
We went around back to see the pig barn. This pig was very pregnant, although her distended belly does not show up well in the photo. She was a small pig by modern standards. All of the animals at Old World Wisconsin are heritage breeds that were actually used on historic farms.  This particular pig is good for lard, which was very important in 1860.
This breed of pig is good for lard

The balcony on the pig barn gave access to the upper floor, which was used for lodging of farm hands or storage.
Pig barn with balcony

These black hens were running all over.
Schultz Family chicken

The big barn held hay, rye, and flax. The flax had to be beaten in this beater to break up the outer covering and get at the softer fibers inside. Next, the docent held the fibers against a vertical piece of wood, hit the fibers with a slender bat and slid the bat down to pull the chaff away from the fibers. After that, the fibers had to be pulled through nails to straight then fibers, which were then spun and woven to make linen. I cannot imagine how much time this all would take.
Flax beater in front (the middle piece comes up). The docent is holding the bat that she will use to hit the flax against the vertical board on the right

Our next stop was the Koepsell Family 1880 German Immigrant Farm. There was a beautiful flower garden out front.
Koepsell Family house and flower garden

The apple trees in the orchard had been pruned and trained for easy picking.
Pruned and trained apple tree

Hops grew on upright poles. The docent explained that the hops was used not only in beer making but also as a source for yeast.

The Koepsell farm had white chickens.
White chickens on the Koepsell farm

On our way to the Finns, we saw a team of Percheron horses headed off to pick up a hay wagon.
Percheron were commonly used as draft horses in the 19th century

We went to the Ketola Family 1910 Finnish Immigrant Farm next. The Finns were among the last European immigrants to Wisconsin. The only places left for them to settle were marginal lands up by Lake Superior. It worked out because the climate was about the same as what they’d left behind.
The Ketola Family house. The ladder on the roof is for putting out sparks that land on the wooden shingles

The Ketola farm included dairy cows. These cows are quite different from Holsteins, the udder being noticeably smaller.
Heritage dairy cows

The house had a cream separator in the kitchen. It reminded Hilda of her childhood.
Cream separator

The Ketolas had a sauna. Finns took one sauna a week in the winter, one a day in summer, and twice a week the rest of the time.
Sauna bench

The stone are on top of a piece of metal. The edge of the metal is visible in this photo to the right of the kettle. My best guess is that the fire was built under that piece of metal to heat the stones.
Sauna hearth

We rode the tram around the Norwegian and Danish areas and got off again at the Sanford Family 1860 Yankee Farm.
Sanford Famly house

The Sanfords moved to Wisconsin from the East Coast, which is why they were called Yankees. They were pretty well off, compared to the farms we’d seen.
They still had to grow all their own food. The garden was large.
Sanford garden

This is the storage room off of the kitchen with dried herbs hanging from the ceiling.
Hilda looks at a basket in the pantry

I thought this was a primordial food processor. The docent explained that it was a bean slicer and showed me two small chutes in the back for holding two beans vertically. “It didn’t even work well when it was new,” she added.
Bean slicer

We walked through the 1880’s village. It was a hot day, and I was beginning to fade. We skipped the residences, although I took a picture of the Mary Hafford Irish Immigrant Home. She was widowed young and supported her numerous children and saved enough money to build this house by taking in washing.
Hafford House

We watched a blacksmith make a pot hook.
Blacksmith makes a pot hook

And visited the Thomas General Store.
General Store

This wheelbarrow was in front of the General Store. You would have to be careful that stuff didn’t fall off the sides.

We finished our day at St. Peter’s Church, the first Roman Catholic Church in Milwaukee, built in 1839. This is the altar.
St. Peter's Church altar

The stove was in the middle of the room with a long pipe to the side. The heat from the pipe probably helps warm the room.
Stove in St. Peter's

The docent demonstrated that the back seat of the pews was open to accommodate ladies’ bustles.
The backs of the pews were open to allow room for a bustle

The aisle was several inches below the floor on either side. The docent said there were two possible explanations. First, elevating the floor on either side may have made the floor warmer. Second, the middle may have been filled with straw to try to contain the mud and other stuff that people brought in on their shoes.

There was way more to see at Old World Wisconsin, but we were tired and melted after three hours. Perhaps we’ll go back another day

Monday, June 13, 2016

Back to the garden

Sunday was a perfect day for gardening. It was cool, cloudy, and windy enough to keep the bugs away. I weeded the pumpkin patch and thinned and weeded the corn. That was enough for one day. I felt confident that when I got the beans thinned, I’d be caught up.
The two corn rows on the right have been thinned and weeded; the two rows on the left have not.

I have noticed more killdeer around the yard this year. They made so much noise, I wondered if they had babies somewhere. Well, as soon as got to the garden, I saw them. Two little chicks, just as cute as a bug’s ear. I got my camera and stood for a long time waiting for the parent to get close enough to the chicks so they would all be in focus. That does not seem to be the parental strategy. Every time I stepped forward, the parent moved away from the chicks. I finally got this picture of the family.
Killdeer adult and two chicks

And here is one of the chicks.
Isn't this killdeer chick about the cutest thing you've ever seen?

The killdeer moved off, and I started on the beans. Three rows were under one piece of row cover, and one row was with the peas. As soon as I lifted the row cover on the last bean row, I realized I needed to weed the peas. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to trellis them while I was at it.
As I worked, I heard a few distant rumbles of thunder. The sky grew dark in the west. I dared to hope that we might get some rain. The cloud moved south, and I figured we’d been missed again. I was 4 feet from the end of the pea/bean rows when a downpour came out of nowhere. I took all the tools to the shed. I knew it wouldn’t rain for long, but it was lunch time, so I went in.
Sure enough, 5 minutes later, it was all over. Terry and I were both soaked. We changed clothes and headed back out after lunch. It got hot in a hurry with the sun out. I finished the weeding/thinning, trellised the peas and put the row cover back up.
Alas, for everything that gets crossed off the list, two more things get added. I need to thin the cabbage that we planted from seed and pull the weeds out of the two rows of cabbages and Brussels sprout. The peppers need weeding. The beets and carrots will need weeding soon, but they are still really little. It’s hard to tell them from the weeds at this point. The conclusion is that I will never get caught up.
I took a mirror to see what was in the robin nest under the deck. Three blue eggs. Right now I can see the bird on the nest panting in the heat.
Robin nest with three eggs

Other robin families are much further along. These chicks follow the parent around all day long begging. The parent generally ignores them.
Two robin fledglings following their parent

Terry has put three coats of paint on the sign posts.
Painting the sign posts

 I finally got up the courage to go look at my restoration area. Lots of penstemon has survived the wet winter and spring.
Penstemon in the restoration area

Sedges are also doing well.

I was surprised to see so much timothy because there wasn’t any in that area last year, and there isn’t much of it in the rest of the field. It must tolerate wet soils better than brome grass. In any case, all is not lost.