Monday, May 26, 2014

About those chickens

Still I have to check the silver Polish buttzols daily. Gracie remains small and had to have a buttzol wash again yesterday. She’s feisty, though. She squawks and flaps her wings to beat all when I inspect her and do the necessary interventions.


We have named all the other known hens, that is, the Araucana. Cleopatra is so named because of pronounced black lines around her eyes that reminded me of Cleopatra’s make-up.

We got the name Lizette from watching an LPGA golf tournament. It seemed like a good name for a chicken. Lizette seemed more like the name for a blonde, and the white chicken got that name.

Finally, in keeping with our original celebrity chef theme, we name the dark chicken Lidia. We will have to name the rest of the keepers later on when we decide who they are. We have not yet explained to the chicks that the friendliest of the females will live on as layers and the rest are destined for freezer heaven. I somehow doubt if that will change their behavior at all.

We’ve seen all of our usual summer visitors. I have not personally seen the rose-breasted grosbeaks, but I’ve heard them singing in the oaks. I haven’t been able to get a picture of the indigo bunting or hummingbirds. I did get the orchard oriole male. One night last week, I saw a bird I hadn’t seen before. On a hunch, I looked up the orchard oriole. To our immense delight, I found that it was indeed a female. We have a breeding pair! Awesome!
Orchard oriole male at the jelly

Orchard oriole male on the feeder

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