Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pumpkins and feathers

Oh, my goodness—three weeks since the last post. I’ve been overscheduled, as usual. The last two weekends were taken up with the annual Pumpkin Open House, the first weekend baking and freezing, the second weekend thawing the baked goods and cooking. During Weekend #1, I cooked a 33-pound rouge vif d’etampes pumpkin. When all was said and done (or baked and drained, as the case may be), I had 10 pounds of puree, which I froze in one-pound increments.
33-pound rouge vif d'etampes
The inside of the pumpkin

In the last three weeks, Ingrid has grown back most of her feathers and seems more presentable. Egg production has not gone up significantly. We keep hoping that the hens will start laying more when the molt is over.
Ingrid's feathers are looking more normal. Her tail is about half its normal length.

Jackie has grown a jet-black beard. His ruff seems to be getting whiter all the time. He is, I begrudgingly admit, a handsome fellow, even if his unwanted attentions may be a contributing factor to the lack of egg laying. He hasn’t attacked either of us yet, so he continues to live.
Jackie with his black beard and flowing white ruff (neck feathers)

At the open house, a friend snapped a picture of Jackie crowing. Someday I hope to get a video of it to help you experience the sound. I’m just not sure how to get Jackie to cooperate. 

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