Sunday, August 11, 2013

Baby goldfinches

Terry discovered a goldfinch nest in one of the cherry trees. I have been taking pictures every couple of days. This morning I lugged my telephoto lens out with me to try to get a shot of the mama on the nest. She’s been skittish and takes off as soon as I get within 20 yards. This morning, she wasn’t on the nest when I went out.
Here is a series of photos of the nest, which is maybe 3” across.
Goldfinch nest on August 3
With down still wet from hatching, the first two chicks emerge on August 5
August 6, with index finger for scale
August 8. The only picture I've gotten of a chick with its mouth open. Too bad it's out of focus. Its head is about the size of my pinky fingernail (shown)
August 11. The nest is getting crowded already.

Jackie is still lagging behind the hens in his/her foraging skills. S/he still won’t join the flock in the fray for Happy Hen Treats (dried mealworms). After one of the apple tree sloughed some fruits (they do that if they are bearing too heavily), we tossed some apples to the chickens. Jackie really loved those apples! Here is a picture of him/her now, as well as a video of him/her sharing an apple (or perhaps fighting over it) with Giada.
Jackie on August 6

This morning, most of the girls were hanging out on the windbreak after breakfast. The weather was cool; maybe it's warmer up there.The prayer flags have sent out quite a few prayers. I wonder if there are any left.
The girls on the windbreak

On day last week when I was headed back to the house for my tea after doing the chicken chores at the literal crack of dawn, I saw my shadow stretching out toward the fifth oak. I liked the image of myself so firmly rooted on the ground and dwindling up to my tiny head. I had a sense of readjusted priorities. It is the earth that gives me food and therefore life. My brain is just a source of anxiety, especially this time of year as I frantically prepare for the start of classes. I felt calmer.
Self portrait at dawn

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