Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Winter Storm Saturn

I had an even better visit from the Goddess of Unexpected Free Time today. She called my cell phone at 4:23 a.m. to tell me the college was closed. I went back to bed, but didn't fall asleep for a long time. I must have dozed off, though, because one minute it was 5:30 and next it was 6:45. Goodness! The day was half over.
I had a leisurely morning. I unpacked my new laptop and tried to configure it. As with all new systems, it will ruin my life for awhile. It opens up to a screen that looks like an iPad. I have no idea how to deal with it. As I was putzing with it, it suddenly popped up with the more familiar Windows screen. It was a relief, but I have no idea how to get to it intentionally. I'll figure it out.
I worked on my memoirs for an hour after breakfast while sipping on my second cup of tea. It was even harder to talk myself into exercising today than usual. I did it and am a better person for it. By 11:00, I was showered and ready to sit down to some real work, namely recording some videos on Mendelian genetics for my blended class. That took up the rest of my day.
The snow is still coming down right lively. We have more than 6" by now, I'm sure. Here's the view of the fifth oak that I took in the early afternoon.

The fifth oak in the snow

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