Sunday, January 20, 2013

Quick update

Ellie doesn’t like yogurt. She doesn’t like scrambled eggs either, with or without yogurt. We got her to eat some dried mealworms yesterday. After pondering for a bit on how to get some probiotic bacteria into her, it occurred to me that I had powdered yogurt starter in my freezer. Duh! Hilda wetted three mealworms and sprinkled them with the starter. Ellie ate them.
Today she won’t even eat mealworms. I made her some oatmeal. She didn’t eat that either. We are at a loss. She’s back in the coop now. Hilda thought she wasn’t eating because she was lonesome. There was a post on from another chicken owner whose chicken would not eat in solitude. As for Ellie, either she starts eating or she doesn’t. We’re back in the nineteenth century—all we can do is watch and hope.

1 comment:

  1. This is most distressing. Disease surrounds us... hopefully chickens are not also susceptible to breast cancer!! Hope Ellie can overcome the problem. And Della the Amazing Cat just keeps on ticking...
